About Me

I’ve been an avid X-Files fan since I was a kid. I started watching around the fifth season and have re-watched the series many times since. Something about the characters and their development and growth throughout the seasons resonated with me, and carried into adulthood.

“Nobody likes a math geek, Scully.” — Fox Mulder, Millennium, 7×04

I wrote my first fanfic novel, Umbra Reverie, as a challenge to myself, and because I had a story that wanted out. My second novel, Contagium, is the sequel to Umbra Reverie and was written as part of NaNoWriMo 2013. I finished the third installment of the series, Incursus, and now I mostly write short stories.

In my non-fic-writing life, you’ll find me blogging about family life, doodling, making WordPress themes, and occasionally taking photographs. I also own far too many websites for my own good.